

Course Outcomes


Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Pharmacotherapeutics-III
Course code : 17T00401 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.401.1 To remember the etiopathogenesis and clinical presentation of gastrointestinal and haematological diseases.
2 CO.401.2 To summarize the diagnosis and therapeutic approaches of gastrointestinal and haematological diseases.
3 CO.401.3 To identify the causes, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of neurological and psychiatric diseases.
4 CO.401.4 Tosimplify understanding on diagnosis, desired outcomes and management of neurological and psychiatric diseases
5 CO.401.5 To explain the physiology of pain pathway and management of pain, neuralgia and headaches.
6 CO.401.6 To develop skills on evidence-based practice in diseases management to become a competent pharmacist.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Pharmacotherapeutics-III
Course code : 17T00407 (Practical

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.407.1 To understand the therapeutic approaches and treatment alternatives in the management of gastrointestinal diseases.
2 CO.407.2 Torelate the concept of pharmaceutical care to identify therapeutic problems in haematological diseases.
3 CO.407.3 To apply the knowledge to develop therapeutic decision-making skills in gastrointestinal and haematological diseases.
4 CO.407.4 To take part in drug related problem identification and problem- solving skills in neurological diseases.
5 CO.407.5 To prioritize the rational pharmaco therapeutic alternatives in the management of psychiatric diseases.
6 CO.407.6 To develop skills on drug of choice and patient education in management of diseases.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Hospital Pharmacy
Course code : 17T00402 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.402.1 To define the structure, organization and functions of hospital and hospital pharmacist
2 CO.402.2 To understand and involve in the preparation and implementation of budget, inventory control various drug policies
3 CO.402.3 To make use of various hospital drug policies to develop hospital pharmacy news letters
4 CO.402.4 To list out various drug distribution methods for inpatients and outpatients including narcotic and controlled drugs.
5 CO.402.5 To prioritize the procurement, manufacturing and storage process of various formulations and handling of radio pharmaceuticals
6 CO.402.6 To develop programmes for professional upraising continuously, inter professional relations in hospitals.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Hospital Pharmacy
Course code : 17T00408 (Practical

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.408.1 To understand various drug distribution systems in hospital.
2 CO.408.2 To extend the professional practice management skills in hospital pharmacy.
3 CO.408.3 To utilize various methods for the preparation and labelling of pharmaceutical products such as powders and intravenous solutions
4 CO.408.4 To recommend the solutions to overcome the drug interaction and adverse drug reactions.
5 CO.408.5 To appreciate various store management and inventory control.
6 CO.408.6 To solve drug related problems through prescription analysis and individualized dose.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clinical Pharmacy
Course code : 17T00403 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.403.1 To understand and explain the daily activities of clinical pharmacist and to monitor the patient rug therapy through medication chart review and clinical review.
2 CO.403.2 To obtain medication history interview and counsel the patients on various diseases and lifestyle modifications and by applying communication skills.
3 CO.403.3 To provide response to a drug and poison information queries using modified systemic approach and to gain ability to establish a drug and poison information center.
4 CO.403.4 To interpret selected laboratory results of specific disease states mentioned and to report ADRs and understand the process of pharmaco vigilance.
5 CO.403.5 To identify and resolve drug related problems and medication errors.
6 CO.403.6 To critically evaluate biomedical literature in order to get an unbiased clinical evidence to develop individualized pharmaceutical care plan.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clinical Pharmacy
Course code : 17T00409 (Practical)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.409.1 To create awareness in patients by counselling them on various diseases and drugs using clinical knowledge and communication skills.
2 CO.409.2 To conduct comprehensive and meticulous medication history interview for the preparation of individualized pharmaceutical care plan.
3 CO.409.3 To interpret laboratory results of specific disease states mentioned and correlating with patient drug therapy while monitoring disease progression.
4 CO.409.4 To provide response to a drug and poison information queries using modified systemic approach by critically appraising the biomedical literature.
5 CO.409.5 To report and assess causality of adverse drug reactions to establish a causal relation between an ADR and a drug.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Biostatistics and Research Methodology
Course code : 17T00404 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.404.1 To define the concepts of research methodology and sample size determination with report writing.
2 CO.404..2 To discuss different types of clinical study designs involved in medical research like case studies, observational studies and interventional studies.
3 CO.404.3 To apply the concepts of biostatistics and data graphics along with clinical soft wares like SPSS, SAS to support the research
4 CO.404.4 To learn to utilize the computer applications and their advantages in both hospital, community pharmacy.
5 CO.404.5 To simplify the understanding of statistical methods in epidemiology and be conscious about its relative, attributable risks
6 CO.404.6 To critically evaluate biomedical literature in order to get an unbiased clinical evidence to develop individualized pharmaceutical care plan.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
Course code : 17T00405 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.405.1 To recall basic concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs.
2 CO.405.2 To understand the mechanisms, interpret various factors affecting drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs.
3 CO.405.3 To apply the pharmacokinetic models for the determination of pharmacokinetic parameters.
4 CO.405.4 To examine multiple dosage regimens based on pharmacokinetic parameters for maximizing therapeutic effectiveness and patient compliance.
5 CO.405.5 To evaluate various pharmacokinetic parameters for the drugs exhibiting saturation kinetics.
6 CO.405.6 To design the bioavailability testing protocol of a drug and compare the bioequivalence between marketed products.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
Course code : 17T00410 (Practical)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.410.1 To recall the concepts in biopharmaceutics, basic pharmacokinetic parameters and their significance.
2 CO.410.2 To interpret the effect of surfactant, diluents, lubricant and polymorphism on rate of drug dissolution.
3 CO.410.3 To solve bioavailability parameters of drugs by using plasma data and methods to improve bioavailability.
4 CO.410.4 To analyze absorption rate constant, KE, biological half-life, mean residence time and mean absorption time for the given data.
5 CO.410.5 To estimate the extent of protein biding by equilibrium dialysis or dynamic dialysis methods.
6 CO.410.6 To predict the pharmacokinetic parameters for the given data as per one compartment and two compartment models.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clinical Toxicology
Course code : 17T00406 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.406.1 To understand the general principles involved in the management of poisoning with toxicokinetics parameters.
2 CO.406.2 To identify the role of antidotes, supportive care, gut decontamination and elimination enhancement in poisoning.
3 CO.406.3 To distinguish the clinical symptoms and to plan various managements of pesticides, drugs acting on CNS, hydrocarbons, caustics and radiation poisoning.
4 CO.406.4 To categorize the toxic symptoms and management of venomous snake bites, toxicity of plants and contaminated foods and heavy metals.
5 CO.406.5 To compare the characteristics and specific standard treatment guideline for the treatment of various toxins.
6 CO.406.6 To propose several preventive approaches to reduce unintended poisoning.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Pharmacotherapeutics I & II
Course code : 17T00411 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.411.1 To remember and recall the pathophysiology of selected diseases and rationale for drug therapy.
2 CO.411.2 To identify various therapeutic approaches for the management of selected diseases.
3 CO.411.3 To apply the concepts of various drug therapies and identify the controversies in drug therapy.
4 CO.411.4 To distinguish between various disease conditions and analyze the results with drug induced disorders.
5 CO.411.5 To select the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy among pediatric, geriatric, pregnant and lactating women.
6 CO.411.6 To develop competency to design individual care plan for cardiovascular, respiratory, ocular and hormonal disorders.

Programme : I/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Pharmacotherapeutics I & II
Course code : 17T00412 (Practical)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.412.1 To remember and recall the pathophysiology and management of cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine diseases and viral infections
2 CO.412.2 To identify various drug interactions and rationalize the prescription.
3 CO.412.3 To plan the quality use of medicines surrounding the therapeutic agents in the treatment of selected diseases
4 CO.412.4 To analyze the clinical skills in the therapeutic management of selected disease conditions
5 CO.412.5 To prioritize the treatment strategies for better patient outcome and discuss the controversies in treatment
6 CO.412.6 To improve the skills on patient – centred approach to improve treatment satisfaction and perform patient counselling

Programme : II/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clinical Research
Course code : 17T00501 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.501.1 To study the regulations involved in drug discovery and drug development process.
2 CO.501.2 To understand the regulatory guidelines and ethics of clinical trials.
3 CO.501.3 To plan and construct pre-clinical trials and clinical trial activities.
4 CO.501.4 To distinguish the roles and responsibilities of trial related personnel and designing of clinical trial documents.
5 CO.501.5 To compare the regulatory aspect of clinical trials in India with other countries (USA and Europe).
6 CO.501.6 To adapt and improve the skills in data management, safety monitoring and reporting to regulatory authorities.

Programme : II/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics
Course code : 17T00502 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.502.1 To remember and recall the origin and need; measurement of outcomes in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics.
2 CO.502.2 To understand the various concepts of risks in pharmacoepidemiology.
3 CO.502.3 To apply the concepts of pharmacoepidemiological methods in conducting various research studies with the help of case studies and available software’s.
4 CO.502.4 To distinguish the selected special applications of Pharmaco-epidemiology.
5 CO.502.5 To evaluate methods. the outcome by using various Pharmaco economics.
6 CO.502.6 To solve various case studies by applying the concepts of pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics in designing a good outcome.

Programme : II/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacotherapeutic
Drug Monitoring
Course code : 17T00503 (Theory)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.503.1 To understand the basics of pharmacokinetics.
2 CO.503.2 To demonstrate nomo grams and tabulations and their applications in designing dosage regimens in special populations.
3 CO.503.3 To apply the principles of pharmacokinetics in identifying the drug interactions.
4 CO.503.4 To analyze GFR, creatinine clearance, extracorporeal removal of drugs and pharmacokinetic considerations in dosing renal and hepatic diseases.
5 CO.503.5 To discuss bayesian theory, adaptive methods and pharmacogenetics in developing drug dosage regimens.
6 CO.503.6 To develop the skills on individualization of drug dosage regimen in special population by considering TDM indications

Programme : II/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Clerkship
Course code : 17T00504 (Practical)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.504.1 To elicit the patient's chief complaints, history of present illness, past medical history, social, family and occupational histories, complete review of systems for case study analysis.
2 CO.504.2 To interpret the laboratory investigations in terms of the related pathophysiology.
3 CO.504.3 To build effective and empathetical skills in counseling the patients on their medications and life style modifications.
4 CO.504.4 To examine and demonstrate a new patient's case in a focused manner, chronologically developing the present illness, summarizing the pertinent positive and negative findings as well as the differential diagnosis and plans for further testing and treatment.
5 CO.504.5 To estimate factors that frequently alter the effects of medications, including drug interactions and compliance problems.
6 CO.504.6 To develop an ability to compile an assessment and plan for an individual patient organized by problem, discussing the likely diagnosis and plan of treatment.

Programme: II/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Project
Course code : 17T00505 (Practical)

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.505.1 To identify the societal issues related to health and pharmaceuticals and to report the aims and objectives of the project.
2 CO.505.2 To review and compare the literature on selected topic/problem/issue.
3 CO.505.3 To construct research plan and execute it accordingly.
4 CO.505.4 To compile and analyze the data applying the knowledge of suitable statistical method to draw conclusion.
5 CO.505.5 To measure short-term and long-term outcomes of a specific research to draw conclusion.
6 CO.505.6 To propose new solutions and develop recommendations or guidelines to improve societal health outcomes

Programme : III/III Pharm.D. - PB
Course Name : Internship
Course code : Practical

S.No CO NO. Course Outcome
1 CO.6.0.1 To relate the clinical knowledge in ward rounds for case analysis.
2 CO.6.0.2 To interpret the results of the laboratory tests in terms of the related pathophysiology.
3 CO.6.0.3 To interview the patient to provide better patient care by critical analysis.
4 CO.6.0.4 To analyse each case to identify the drug related problems and overcome the burden on patients.
5 CO.6.0.5 To take a part of health care team to bring better patient outcomes and drug information services.
6 CO.6.0.6 To build an ability to choose critical area where interventions required for better pharmaceutical care.